Building Adaption “Old Chemistry”
Peter Mandl, David Hofmann
„Gebäudeadaptierung der “Alten Chemie” zur “Biomedizinischen Technik (BMT)“
Lecture and presentation in the conference proceedings “4th Grazer Betonkolloquium” University of Technology Graz, September 2018
Magna Plant Network Maribor
Peter Mandl, Paul Winter
Project presentation and work report “Nukleus – Magna Plant Network Maribor – Painting Hall”
Lecture at the Universität Maribor, November 2017
Buildings for the Ski World Championship
Peter Mandl
Buildings to host the Ski World Championship in Schladming”
Lecture, “baukongress” in vienna, April 2014
Construction-Related Aspects
Peter Mandl
“Construction-related aspects of large projects from the perspective of the general planning”
Lecture, TU Graz, Institute of Construction Management and Economics, March 2014
Loft Conversions
Peter Mandl
Loft conversions “From the basement to the crest”
Seminar ZT Forum Graz, October 2012
Refurbishment of the Johann Joseph Fux Conservatory
Manfred Zellinger, Peter Mandl
“The Refurbishment of the Joseph Johann Fux Conservatory in the view of Structural Engineering”
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 106 (2011), Heft 9
Free Forms in Composite Constructions
Peter Mandl, Paul Winter, Volker Schmid
“FREEFORMS IN COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTIONS – The new House of Music and Music Theatre “MUMUTH” in Graz”
EUROSTEEL 2008 in Graz
The Membrane Cover of The New Airport Tower in Vienna
T. Lorenz, P. Mandl, J. Robra
“The new air control tower Vienna”
Bauingenieur Mai 2006
P. Mandl, Th. Lorenz
“The Membrane Cover of The New Airport Tower in Vienna” International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures – Structural Membranes 2005 in Stuttgart
P. Mandl, Th. Lorenz
“The Membrane Cover of The New Airport Tower in Vienna” structural analyses Baustatik & Baupraxis 9, report on the symposium 14. and 15. March 2005 in Dresden.
Th. Lorenz / P. Mandl / W. Siokola / M. Zechner
“The Membrane Cover of The New Airport Tower in Vienna”,
Stahlbau Rundschau Number. 97 / Oktober 2004
Bearing Elements
“TRAGWERKSELEMENTE”, (“Bearing Elements”) the new book of basics of bearing elements; B.G Teubner Verlag
Stuttgart 1996, 2. edition 2003
Modelling of Structures
Peter Mandl
“Modelling of Structures”
Lecture at the Institute of Structural analyses at the Technical University Graz at 07/08.11.2002
Tensioned Structures
Peter Mandl
“Tensioned Structures”
Lecture at the Institute of Structural analyses at the Technical University Graz at 03.10.2002
Lecture at HTL Krems 2007
Lecture at FH Joanneum 2008
Ultimate Load Analyses
“Analysing of Ultimate Load of of a Frame Corner” Commemorative volume on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Prof. Sparowitz, Institute of Concrete Constructions at the Technical University Graz; November 2000
Cable Wall Railway Station Leipzig
Peter Mandl:
“Cable Wall Railway Station” Commemorative volume on the occasion of the Emeritierung of Prof. Egger, Institute of apprenticeship of girder at the Technical University Graz; June 1999
Non-linear Analysis of Spacial Trusses
Peter Mandl:
“Non-linear Calculation of Spacial Trusses” Dissertation at the Institute of Structural Engineering at the Technical University Graz; 1998
Large Deformations of spacial Trusses
Peter Mandl:
“Large Deformations of spacial Trusses” lecture at the APL-congress, 25.06.1996 in Graz
Structural Engineering and Design
Lectureship at the University of applied sciences, FH-Joanneum Graz, Study “Architecture and Project Management”
since 2006
Interdisciplinary Design
Lectureship at the University of applied sciences, FH-Joanneum Graz, Bachelor-Study “Construction Design and Economics”
since 2011
Structural Design
Lectureship at the Institute of Structural Design at the department of Architecture at the Technical University Graz
Structural Engineering
Lectureship at the University of applied sciences, FH-Joanneum Graz, Study “Construction Design and Economics”
Design 3
Lectureship at the Institute of building construction and design at the department of Architecture at the Technical University Graz
Bearing Elements
Lectureship at the Institute of Structural Engineering at the department of Architecture at the Technical University Graz
Mechanics and Structural Engineering
Practicing lectures at the Institute of Structural Engineering at the department of Architecture at the Technical University Graz